Thursday, 24 January 2013

My final thoughts

    This semester has gone by so fast, with all the bumps in the road and the chase for finishing my last assignments it is all finally done. I have not once regretted filling my spare with this course, it’s been a blast! My favorite project was The Buried by far. Putting together the project in the form of animoto was lots of fun, I had to take my thing own pictures which added lots of creativity. The MTV show was a part of class I always looked forward to. Seeing all the crazy things that those guys did made me what to be crazy and do life changing things. My favorite episode was when one of the guys tried to get a girl to marry him in Los Vegas…. And the fact that the girl actually did it made me want to do something out of the ordinary as well. My least favorite assignment was definitely the newspaper blackout.  None of the poems that I did were great. I had a lot of problems trying to figure out what I was going to scribble out or even try and write about. I believe that the idea was there I just needed a stronger push and more ambition. With every Friday comes a reading class and with every reading class come relaxation. Personally I loved the reading classes because that way I will be able to fit in reading every week. The selection of book you have is unreal. You’re the teacher who made me want to read in grade nine, you’re the reason why I walk past a book and I have to pick it up to read the back and give it a chance. So I thank you for those Friday reading classes and all those amazing book you lend out to just about anyone. The Monday reading reflection wasn’t always so bad it made me think about what I had just read and have someone to tell about it all. Some Mondays I have been really lazy , that’s why I get backed up on my responses. With every book I read their questions running through my head and comments. It’s nice to have someone who will take the time out of there day to hear what their students have to say. I favored the blog more than the twitter. My reasons behind this is because I’m addicted to another blogging site called tumbler , so by taking this class I learned that Google has the better format of a blog but tumbler has a better feed. The personal additions were important near the end because that’s when I because a lot more in touch with my blog. At first I thought it was a drag  to post everything I had done and type it all , it just seemed like a lot of work .As I said the Google blog did grow on me. Now as for the twitter, I was not so much of a fan. However I do like it better for the reading response, it a louse me to sum up what I have to say about my book without rambling on about what I had already read. Over all your course was a awesome experience for my last year of high school.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thanks for all your kind words! It's been a pleasure teaching you over all these years!
